Since 2001, Vodafone Albania has built a successful partnership with Marketing & Distribution in the field of wholesale and retail business (Franchise)
During this period Marketing & Distribution has been an ideal partner, with vision and quality in the assessment of the services needed and required.
It demonstrates sustainability, performance and compliance with quality standards under the signed agreement.
It is a dynamic partner that constantly strives for technological advancements to create a cost-effective, convenient and friendly service.
It is flexible, conscientious and professional in satisfying immediate needs as well as in maintenance management, providing an excellent service to Vodafone in the retail and wholesale sector.
Now, Marketing & Distribution represents Vodafone with 17 Vodafone Franchises and at least 120 points of sale throughout the territory of Albania.
VODAFONE Shop Blv. Ismail Qemali
Rr: Blv. Ismail Qemali, Pallati ish fabrika e orizit, Vlorë,
Rr: Lagja "22 Tetori" Pedonale Berat
VODAFONE Shop Korce 1
Rr: Bulevardi Republika, Korce
VODAFONE Shop Blv. Shen Gjergji
Rr: Sheshi Teatrit, Korce
VODAFONE Shop Durres 2
Rr: Aleksander Goga, NR:218, Durres
VODAFONE Shop Sheshi Willson
Rr: rrethrrotullimi I Sheshit "Willson", Tirane
VODAFONE Shop Myslym Shyri
Rruga Myslym Shyri, Tiranë
VODAFONE Shop Xhamlliku
Rr: Qemal Stafa, pallati Nr: 575, dyqani nr. 12, Tirane
VODAFONE Shop Rr. Kavajes 2
Rr: e Kavajes, pallati Orion, zona e Parkut te Autobuzave, Tirane
VODAFONE Shop Fushe Kruje
Lagja Punetori, Qender, Fushe Kruje
VODAFONE Shop Rr. e Dibres
Rr: Dibres, prane Eden Park, Kati 1, Tirane
VODAFONE Shop Burrel
Prane bankes Reiffeisen, Burrel
VODAFONE Shop Orikum
Rruga Kryesore, Qender Orikum
VODAFONE Shop Vlora 3
Lagjja Lirim, Pall. 1187, Vlore,
Qendra Tregetare Tirana East Gate, Lunder
VODAFONE Shop Fresku
Kryqezimi i Teleferikut, Qesarak, Linze
Rr: Ndoc Deda Milot Kurbin